Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor). The submission is not currently available online or in print.
- We accept electronic submissions via upload to the JoYS website in PDF format. If the submission is accepted for peer-review, the source used to make the PDF will need to be made available (on request) by the Editor.
- We would prefer that the source be in one of the following formats: Pages, Microsoft Word, Open Document Format (e.g., odt files from OpenOffice and LibreOffice), TeX (e.g., LaTeX, XeTeX), HTML, XML and RTF. For articles that do not require complex footnotes for critical editions, the JoYS is typeset using Pages software, so this is our preferred format for source files. For articles that include multi-layered footnotes and/or critical editions, TeX, so TeX or LaTeX are our preferred format types for source files.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please ensure you have followed the instructions to 'Ensure a Blind Review'.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the 'Author Guidelines'.
- In your submission file, please use the standard features of your document preparation system, such as italics, bold, and footnotes. Please place illustrations, figures, and tables within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end. In short, use your writing program in the most natural way, and avoid special tricks or peculiarities as much as possible.
- Where available, you have provided the URLs and DOIs for the references in your bibliography (look them up in
Transliteration of Indian languages:
For transliterated Indian languages, please use the 'International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration', that is described in Wikipedia. Write "Vāgbhaṭa, Śrīdhara, Kṛṣṇa" not "Vagbhat, Shreedhara, Krishna”. -
Please refer to the 'Author Guidelines' for formatting and style. If you use a bibliography manager such as BibTeX or Endnote, then if you can, please also send us your database file for the items you cite in your contribution, e.g., the .bib or an exported XML file, containing just the subset of items that you refer to. -
Please use a Unicode font and type your document using Unicode encoding. If this is a new idea for you, Wikipedia has some initial guidelines. Please use a font such as Sanskrit 2003, that provides a rich set of both accented Latin characters, as well as Devanagari if you need it. Other excellent fonts and keyboard utilities are available at -
If you are writing with LaTeX, please observe the following guidelines:
• use Unicode input (i.e., for XeLaTeX or LuaTeX)
• use the standard features of LaTeX as documented in the standard manual, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System by Leslie Lamport.
• use logical markup, not presentational markup. That means you mark things as \chapter{xxx}, \footnote{xxx}, \sanskrit{xxx}, \title{xxx}, etc., rather than \textbf{xxx}, \vspace{5ex}, or \emph{xxx}.
• do not use \newcommand or \def to make private commands. If this appears to be unavoidable, please contact the journal editor before proceeding.
• provide your bibliography entries in BibTeX format. The journal uses BibLaTeX, which is flexible. So please do not
• use any special formatting commands or non-standard bst files. Just use \cite{xxx} etc. in the simplest manner.
• if you have tables, keep them simple, and don't spend time putting in many horizontal and vertical lines. They will be reformatted for the journal, in any case.
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